Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well, I did the last two posts backwards...I can't figure out how to switch them...dang nabbit
Anywho, Taylor and I carved her pumpkin today. We would've have done it with Tim, but I worked lastnight and tonight and tomorrow being halloween.... So here are some pictures! I think I do pretty good work! The dark one is with her blue flashing light in the pumpkin. The picture puts it to shame, because it looks really cool!

More Burlington

I know what you're all thinking....can she take anymore pictures? So tough! Well, our trip to B-ton was fun as usual. I made it back in record time..4 usually takes 4.5 or 5 hours! (Both kids took late naps in the car!! whoo hoo! That helped!) We went to church then I went to an OctoberFest with Kim and Nate. It was a good time, as usual. This was the annual May's (Mike & Jeff May) Party. It is always a good time! Karaoke, bonfire, hotdogs, hayrack ride, and a couple cold ones!!!! On Sunday, not much of anything except ND'S FunFest. The kids enjoyed the inflatable jumping house...who wouldn't?! They played a few games and got some prizes. Then to G-ma/Papa's house. We just chilled and played. On Monday, Gavin and Jayden came out, as they always do, then Kim and Peyton! I took Jayden and Taylor out after Lunch, since it finally warmed up a bit. They had a blast! Throwing leaves at each other and then on Papa in the garage! (That killed off some energy!) Mom made a Pot Roast (yummmy!!!!) for dinner and then we made it a family affair and went to Target. (Doesn't that sound like the Brady's dressing in their Sunday best to go to Sears?!! HA!) Mandy needed a few things, so I said I wanted to get Taylor some new jammies, since the ones I brought from home were 2T's, she wears 4T! Oops! On Tuesday, we headed home after Mom's lunch hour from school. It seemed like the longest 5 hours ever! Colin fussed from Mexico, MO (which is 2 hours away) all the way to Osage! Oh well, what can you do. Ok, enough, blah, blah, blah...we had a great time and can't wait to visit everyone next time!!!!

Dad and I built Jayden and Taylor a fort one morning. They were excited to see it. They had to hide in the other room, then dad walked them back with their eyes closed! It was too cute!

Happy Halloween

So I ran into a little problem(s) with Colin's costume. The first one I ordered was the frog...which looked soooo darn cute on him. However, the bodysuit was entirely tooo short on him. This was a size infant/toddler...which the website said 'fit up to 18 mths...go figure! It buttons up around the legs, and I could hardly get all the buttons snapped. So, instead of making the poor kid suffer (what any other parent would have done,) I sent it back and ordered the elephant costume. The elephant was size 18-24 months. Well, can you guess how this one fit? The body suit fit better, but the arms and legs are too long. Now get this, the head piece, is too big on me!!! So he's going to be the first ever, safety pinned elephant! But I still think he looks adorable. Now, Miss Taylor, wanted to be Snow White...what can I say, can she get any cuter?! We found the entire outfit in the dress-up section at Target. She also has some sparkly red shoes to wear and her crown of course. Thank god it's going to be warm out this year!! Hope everyone has a spooktacular Halloween!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Burlington Visit

Just a few pictures from our extended weekend in Burlington. We enjoyed the Fun Fest on Sunday, carved pumpkins, and played in the leaves today! I'll post a few more later on this week, but wanted to update and share the fun we've been having!!

Duck pond- everyone got to play

Colin checking out Gavin...too cute!

Cute cousins, had to hold hands at the Fun Fest!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes"

In an earlier post, I recorded Taylor singing to Tim. In the past, she didn't want me to hear or watch her singing. Tim pulled the camera out and was able to record her! We hope you enjoy, we sure do!

It looks like rain....but we'll go for a walk anyway!

We went for a walk the other day...then it finally decided to start to, back inside! It hadn't rained all day, up to that point!

Fort Cernin

So we built a fort the other morning...and the kids loved it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some Fun with Grandma and Mandy

Mom and Mandy came down last Wednesday and stayed thru Sunday. Thursday, Tim and I went to Kansas City for the Service Awards Banquet. We left town at 12:00 and didn't get home until 1:15am. It was a long drive. We drove a 15 passenger van to Jeff City, then shared a Charter bus with them and Columbia. It was a great dinner and was nice to have an 'adult' night out! Tim had 4 employees (that went to KC) recieve awards that night. While we were away, Mom and Mandy just played and wore the kids out. On Friday, we went to the park in Camdenton. After the park, Mandy and I (more Mandy than I) did a little 'retail therapy' at Polo and Target, while Colin napped and Taylor entertained G-ma! Saturday, we went to the High Schools running track and let the kids run. Tim took the kids one Sunday afternoon and they loved it. Taylor and G-ma ran/walked the whole track, while Colin played with bottle caps, water, and sand. Taylor loved running and then jumping into the sand, as did G-ma. Mom, I know you told me not to post any of the pictures of you jumping, but you may have a future in the Long Jump! She got some air in some of the jumps! After running, we met up with Tim at the store and ate lunch. I had to work that night, so G-ma and Mandy took the kids to Miner Mike's for some games. Sunday we went to church, lunch at Pizza Hut, then more games at Miner Mike's. Mom and Mandy left shortly after that. It was a fun weekend, and the kids were exhausted. Taylor fell asleep before 8:15 that night...which is early for her...she was beat! Thanks again for coming down for the weekend! We had fun!