Monday, June 21, 2010

A little of what we've been up to.....

I'm finally back up and running. We have been keeping pretty busy the last 2 months. It didn't take us long to get unpacked and settled in! I don't mess around when it comes to unpacking. I like to feel 'at home' as soon as possible. However, one day, Tim and I tried to hang some pictures. In that 2 hours, we got one hung! I just couldn't decide how/where I wanted some to hang. Oh well....
I don't know who loves being back in a house more: the kids or myself. They are totally enjoying the basement,yard, sidewalks, garage, and driveway! Everyday, as long as its not raining, we are out riding bikes. We have met many of our neighbors....most of whom have young kids! Taylor has made a new friend named Ainsley. We just recently attended the 2nd Annual block party on Saturday. Got to meet many of the other neighbors and their families. It was a great night!
So to keep this short, so nobody falls asleep, here is just a little bit of what we've been doing. Granted I could have posted the over 800 pictures I've had on my camera, but who wants to look thru ALL of those???!!!
Taylor starts Golf lessons today, so I'm sure I"ll be posting again soon!
Take care!!

Feeding the geese

Hy-Vee Prom

Peyton and Kim drove up one day and we picked up some food, ate and played at the park.

Kim and Taylor climbing

Mr P swinging like a monkey!!!

I was so happy to get these great pix of the kiddos!

This is a great pic of Colin! Only because half the time I want a picture, he turns his head or starts screaming!!

making pancakes

Jayden and Colin goofing off at Perkins after Church
Colin and I drove to Burlington one Sunday to hang out, while Tim and Taylor went down to the Lake for a Golf Tournament.

Taylor participated in the Snake Alley Criterium's Kids bike race with cousins, Jayden, Jake, and Maddie. What fun that was!!!

Killing GINORMOUS spiders in the garage!!!!! I about freaked when I saw this!!! My poor neighbor walked over to make sure I was ok...apparently I scream a bit?!!!

T-ball practice

Eating at The Cheesecake Factory! Just an added bonus while in Des Moines!

YUMMO!!!! Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake!!! Can you taste it?

Women's Elite Cup....

here they come to make the transition to bikes.
I hope to go back next year to watch this. What an amazing and exciting thing to watch!! Just the talent all of these athlete's have! Incredible!

Taylor's first game....and she's yawning!

Colin keeping busy!

and finally....(Joni and Kathy, aren't you proud??!!!) My attempt at planting!!! Taylor helped pick out the red, white, and blue flowers for Memorial Day!! And guess what?! It's still alive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics again! Think I've seen some but not all. Love again, Mom