Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve...we went to 7PM Mass at our Church in Camdenton. It was a nice service, but not like St. John's 10PM Mass. On our way home, we heard on the radio, what county Santa was in. He was getting pretty close to the Lake. We needed to get home, get jammies on, and set out the milk and cookies for him. Taylor was so excited to help. She and I made the cookies earlier in the day. We even decided to set some carrots on the plate too. Taylor decided it needed to go on the coffee table, not the fireplace, "he might land on them". So,off to bed where I read, "Twas the Night Before Christmas". 10 minutes later....she was out to the world. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while Santa's little helpers put a bike together.


Anonymous said...

Taylor you look so grown up in your pretty dress! I can't believe it! You looked so beautiful (so did Mommy, what I could see, anyway). Colin, you looked positively handsome in your sweater and dress pants. I could eat you up. The cookies looked really yummy, and that was a good idea, Taylor, not to set them at the fireplace. You just never know...

Anonymous said...

Taylor you look soooooooooo pretty! I really like that dress on you. And Colin you look so grown-up and handsome!! Need pics of this too! Mommy you look very nice too! More later, Mom XO XO