Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas with the Cernin's

Fred and Julie came down on New Years Eve day to celebrate Christmas with us. The kids were very excited to see them. Colin received a John Deere pedal tractor with trailer, coloring book, a smaller JD truck with Little People, clothes, and some clothes. Taylor received a activity desk for her room, clothes, a book, and a special princess quilt made by Grandma Cernin herself. It is adorable and now she can snuggle on the couch and be 'comfy cozy'! We had a great time while they were down here. They stayed thru Saturday morning. On one day, we were able to take the kids bikes outside for them to ride on.

Papa built the kids a tunnel. They had endless fun with this!

Taylor modeling her new comfy cozy sweatswirt (how she pronounces it...its so cute how she says it!) from Aunt Stacy.

Taylors new desk. There is soooo much space on here for allll her color books, notepads, crayons, etc.!

Her princess quilt!

Beep beep! Here I come!

Colin and his new tractor.


Anonymous said...

the tractor is just too cute...taylors quilt is so pretty...she definitely will be comfy cozy :)

Anonymous said...

I finally got to see the picsand all the news of your days. The pics are all soooooo good. i really like the one of you and Tay in her black dress. I would love a copy!? It looks like you all had a great time with the folks. Wish we could see them sometime, maybe when we get up to Todd's to see Shaye! Take care, Love to all, G-Ma XO XO