The kids and I headed to Cedar Rapids last Sunday (4th) and stayed up there until Tuesday. Then on Tuesday we headed down to Burlington and stayed until Thursday. Colin and Taylor got to open Xmas gifts from Gavin and Jayden. Colin received a Tonka race car racetrack and Taylor got a Belle Princess Barbie doll and a play pizza set. It was a nice visit. Taylor and Jayden had so much fun playing! Which they normally do, but sometimes they both have their spats, but the 2 days they saw each other, they played and played, climbed up on the couch's and slid down them, it was fun to watch them getting along together. It was a nice visit with the Cernin's and the Stevens' family! 
Havin' some pizza! Yummy

Papa marching with Taylor and Colin

The first time this winter, my car has had any snow on it!!

Tumblin down!

Playing on the couches.

Colin and Gavin playing with the racetrack
Ooo, Taylor, that pizza sure looks yummy! Glad to hear you and Jayden were able to play together (and so well!). I know he was asking about you when I was home. He misses you. I like your racetrack, Colin. That looks like a lot of fun! Bec, I like the pics on the side of the post. That's really neat. The one of you and Tim is really nice (you two clean up well *grin*).
it was good to have you and the kids back for a couple days...jayden sure misses taylor a bunch...every once in a while he'll say, "i miss taylor"...just out of the blue...poor guy...i know taylor misses jayden just as much and im glad they played so well together...wish i could have spent more time with yas when you were up...but i had the weekend to do that...
i, like jenny, also like the side pictures...very cute and very good pictures...i had a blast down there with yas and miss yas of course
hope to see you soon!!
love yas
it was so good to have you guys here. Just wasn't the same with you not here for Christmas. I think the kids had fun together hope they keep it up! Jayden threw a B-Day party for Mandy at his house. It was so cute, he had ballons and cake for her. He is such a hoot! TTFN, G-Ma XO XO
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