The new addtition officially opened on Dec. 8th!!!! BIG accomplishment! Alot of hard work and long hours by everyone involved!! There is still TONS to do, but this is a big deal!!
YAY!!! Come on in! We are open!

New soap/cleaner aisle


Whoever faced this did a marvelous job! look how pretty it looks!!!

Healthmarket frozen

On Dec. 8th, the Healthmarket and HBC were not totally done yet, so those departments were taped off.

Beautiful Wine and Spirits

Looking toward the walk-in cooler

I Love the 'open' feeling!

Healthmarket dairy

The old soap aisle

Shreds and lunchmeat aisle

since the addition is complete, now the fun part begins! (sarcasm speaking there!) Oh what fun!!
Woohoo! You'll have to give me a tour when I come home!
looks awesome!!! i have yet to see the store lol
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