May~ Taylor had her 1st School program...which was absolutely DARLING!!!!!! The teacher(s) put alot of effort into that program and it was fantastic!!! Tim was in Dallas, TX for a FMI Conference the week of the 9th. The last night there, they got to tour Dallas Stadium and met 2 of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Needless to say, he brought an autographed picture of all the Cheerleaders that was signed, 'Love to Colin!' Tim is hoping he appreciates it later on!!! Ha! The weekend of May 14th brought us down to the Lake!! Tim was invited to play in the Hy-Vee Adopt a Platoon Golf Tournament. It was so nice to see our Osage Beach family and friends again!! We took the kids to Miner Mike's and Pirates Cove. I even won us a free round, next time we are there!!! (Got a hole in one on the mystery hole!!!) It was a little cold and windy, but none the less, we enjoyed it.!
So, in a nutshell, that's what we've been up to!!!

After Taylor's program everyone got to go to their child's room, where the kids had made 'Mother's Day' things for the mom's!! It was so sweet!!

Singing with her bear! The whole program was based around "bears". Winnie the Pooh, Jazzy version of Goldilocks and the 3 bears, etc.
Easter 2011

Our first family pic since, fall/winter of 2007....gosh i hope not! Either way, it's been long!!
Taylor's Easter goodies

Colin: "CHALK!!!"

Waiting to come down the hall....

Coloring eggs....

The evening ended with Taylor and Peyton playing "just dance 2"!!! What a hoot!!!

Me and my kiddos!!! (yes, for some reason, I never seem to get a pic of tim and the kids...)

Party at The Playstation. She invited all the girls in her class. Jayden, Gavin, and Petyon came up for the fun too!!!

Just a few of the girls...and Peyton!!!
...I take that's a pic of the kids with Tim!! We went to her school to have lunch with her on the day before her bday!!

Keaton was home on leave from the Army...we had a family get together!! We are so proud of him!!

The 'guys' (except Colin) are somewhat 'cut off'...since none of them were cooperating....'birds' were flying everywhere...if you catch my drift????!!!!
Us ladies and the boys...minus Kelton.

Me lookin snazzy for "Prom"!!!

Colin's only smile!!!!

Met up with the Krecklow girls and had to get a pic of all of them!!!
Colin, Kennedy, Katie, Calyn, Taylor
Arrrrggghhh, shiver me timbers....we just finished at Pirate's Cove!!

Our little golfer!!

Colin taking a break!

Just had to ride the train at Miner Mike's!!

Taylor's last day of school is May 27th. She will be taking golf lessons again this summer. As well as probably T-ball.
Colin has been going to the neighbor's house while I'm at work. He will go to preschool in the fall. Hard to believe both kids will be in school.
I however, will continue to work during the summer...probably 2 days/week, since Taylor has golf 2 days/week. I've gotten to know all our neighbors and we all enjoy getting together for 'Wine Club'. We have such a wonderful neighborhood and wonderful friends. We are already planning a 'block party' which will be awesome!! We all love being outside, chillin, relaxing, and talking over cold beverages!!! Can't wait for summertime!!!
Tim has been keeping busy with his store. They will start a remodel this summer.
Other than that, not much else....wooohooo! exciting huh???!
love the pix of course and good to know what you guys have been up to...LOL...hope to see ya's a lot more now that i'll be back :)
YES, YES, YES!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooo happy to see the updates!! Love all the pics but esp. the one of Colin taking a rest at Miner Mike's. Soooooo cute. Thanks for doing that for your OLD Mom. Love to all, Mom/G-Ma xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox
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