On this particular day, which was called "Donuts and Drop-off", we got to meet her teacher and take her supplies to school.
Here she is infront of her cubby.
Here is her desk.

Putting her rest/naptime towel in her cubby
1st Day of School
Eating breakfast before school!!

Silly kids!
Already to leave!!!

Here we go!! (Love Colin's look on his face!!)

Walking the hallways to her class!

Putting her things away

Picking out lunch with her teacher

She had a great 1st day!!! She was excited and happy; got to play on the 'HUGE' playground and did many fun things! She brought home some excellent paperwork she did!!
....and of course, with Taylor in school all day, Colin and I got to hang out together! We cleaned out the garage, watched Caillou, and read his truck books from the library!
i cant believe she is in school already :( but i bet colin is LOVING having mommy & colin days all day long though :) im glad she has a fantabulous first day of school and glad she loves it!!! hope to see yas soon
The first day of school is so exciting!! Love the pics.
You should put a "follow" button on your blog so I can follow you and know when you update! ;)
I can't believe this is the first time I've been on here to see her first day and all the pics at school!!!She looked so darling! I can't believe she's in kindergarten already. And I know Colin must love his Mommy & Me time! Let me know about her fund raiser! Love, MOM
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