Kiddos all ready for Easter Mass.
Busy Easter weekend....On Saturday morning, we went to the Easter egg hunt at StoneCrest Mall.

Before the big Hunt!
Taylor went straight to work and
filled her basket very fast!!!

Colin didn't pick up any eggs....but was so excited to see the Easter Bunny!

After the egg hunt, we came home and colored eggs.

Very bright colors!!!

The finished product. We ended up taking the basket of eggs to my friend Laura. She LOVES hard-boiled eggs...Tim and I don't care for them.

Easter morning, we woke the kids up, so they could find eggs before church.

Tay's goodies...

Their loot!!
Colin got a Lightening McQueen sleeping bag.
After lunch on Sunday, I took the kids to Laurie for an Egg hunt with my friend Laura and her daughter Kayla. It was a lot of fun!!
After lunch on Sunday, I took the kids to Laurie for an Egg hunt with my friend Laura and her daughter Kayla. It was a lot of fun!!

Taylor again, took right off and picked up as many eggs as possible! However, there was nooooo shortage of eggs for any kid that was there.

This was just some of what she collected. I had some in my pockets, Kayla had some in her pockets, and Laura had some as well.

Kayla and the kids.

Playin' at the park...

We had a beautiful weekend! It was sunny, windy, and warm both days.
The dogwoods are bloomin'!! They are sooo pretty!!!
Now, this coming week is going to be a busy one. Tim's last day at Osage Beach is the 5th. He will take his inventory to Des Moines on Wednesday, then he'll head to his parents house. The moving company arrives Saturday to load up our stuff. My parents are coming down on Thursday to help out on Friday. Monday, we close on our house, then we can start the unpacking process! So, it might be awhile until I can post again...so until then....
Love to all!
it sure looks like the kids had a BLAST, despite taylor bein sick :( poor girl...i could tell her eye was all swollen looking :( she looked like she didnt let it get her down though!!! and i cant wait for you guys to be up here on saturday!!! im so excited and cant wait for you to be closer...YAY :) love the pix of the kids as well....colins facial expressions are just priceless...hehe....talk to ya soon!!!
I loved all the pics! They looked sooooooooooo pretty and handsome in their Easter clothes. It looks like they enjoyed the egg hunts and the time at the park. can't wait to see all of you this Thurs. Till the, Love and kisses, G-Ma Mom XO XO
Well that looks like Easter was just loads and loads of fun! The Easter Bunny was really good to them, too! The eggs are beautiful. I hope the move goes well and isn't too stressful. Looking forward to seeing pics of you getting settled in! :)
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