After church, we went home, I ordered pizza from the store, and went to pick it up while everyone headed down to the pool again. There we ate pizza poolside! It was so much fun....once again...I wish the weekends were a little longer. We didn't swim very long, since I had to work at 2, and the fam had to start headin' home. What a great time and lots of memories!

Tay and Jayden enjoying those rolls!

G....or Gavin! muahhh!

Dad and Josh were soo determined to finish that darm puzzle. Tay and Dad had started it, then Tay left him to do it himself...then Josh got involved!

The cake and decos. I did the cake myself! (With Chelsea and Mom's help and creativity!)

Mom and Tay chillin' at the motel

Lightning McQueen! Pretty good for my first 'character' cake!

Colin and Daddy!

It was too funny to watch him blow the candle out...he kept flippin up his bottom lip...probably spitting on it!?

Yeah!! Colin!

Gavin enjoying some cake!!

Jayden: "Happy Birthday Colin". It was so sweet!

Cheese Gavin!

Opening gifts

Yo Joe...wake up!!! Dad's relaxing vacation...maybe too relaxing?

He got some clothes, tool box with screwdrivers, hammer, saws, toolbelt, overhead light, from Gma and Papa. Josh, Chels, and the boys got him Matchbox cars, a red semi that looks like a Hy-Vee truck, monster truck, and bubbles.
Papa and Colin watching the DVD Papa made for Colin. It's a dvd of pictures of Colin and Papa! It's really neat and Colin absolutely LOVES watching it! Dad has made DVD's for all the kids on their b-days....they are pretty special to us!

Taylor fixing things!
On his actual birthday, (Aug. 10th), he woke up to this. Sunday night, I stayed up to put together a train table for his Thomas trains. The table was easy to put together. But he trying to connect the two train collections together, uhhh...I was so frustrated and sweating on figuring out how to connect them all. But thanks to Taylor, she helped me figure it out.
AWWW I love the picture of Taylor hugging her little brother. Looks like you guys had a great time. And hey, if Tim needs a cake decorator he needn't look far! Impressive!
Love ya!
We had ssoooooooooooo much fun with all the kids wish we could do it more often. next time we'll go to Miner Mike's. the pics are great and the cake turned out really great!! Keep that in mind for Taylor's B-Day!Thanks for all the fun in the sun!Love yas, G-Ma XO XO
love the pix and glad i got to see you and colin tuesday and yesterday...too bad tay couldnt have come up :( oh well, im sure she and daddy had a blast!!! looks like he had a GOOD AND FUN party :)
if you arent up for jayden's birthday, ill see you next month!!!!
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