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Yes, I'm talking about Tim's recliner. (Sorry if I scared any of you). But the poor thing finally went kaput on us. Tim dismantled it and took it to the dumpster. *Tears**

As some of you know, Tim has had this chair literally forever! The leg of the chair just finally gave in. It probably didn't help that 2 kids would run and jump onto it.

Good bye Lazy Boy!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! he HAS had that thing for as long as ive known him (and im sure as long as YOUVE known him) haha...BUT the tag came off a LONG time ago, so it was time for tim to move on then...
RIP (rest in pieces) HAHA
Yeah I am like that...literally. I get attached to things and have a hard time letting go! Sorry about the death of your chair! :)
It's like when Rosita died (Joey's chair on FRIENDS)! You know, there was always a chance she could have healed herself, you know. At any rate, pass my condolences. :)
I know the perfect people to call when someone loses a very close dear one. I can make the arrangements and you can have a most dignified burial or cremation (AKA burning barrel) for your loved one. Please feel free to give me a call and we'll meet at your convenience.
Hass-Thielen Funeral Home.
So sorry to hear of the passing of such a dear friend. Can't say as I'm surprised though. it really DID have a hard life!! R.I.P. old buddy. On a lighter note, hope you had fun with the folks while they were down. can't wait to see you all next Fri. Will talk later, Love G-Ma XO XO
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