On Sunday, we got to go to the train yard where Andy (Tim's brother) works. The kids were able to climb up onto the trains and even got to go inside a couple of them. Both kids loved climbing up the big steps and looking out the windows! After we left there, we drove to Beaver Park, to check out the animals. There were TONS of ducks, baby calves, turkeys, roosters, pigs, goats, and even prairie dogs. Once again, the weather was absolutely beautiful to be outside. We left from there to go play in the sand that Papa had bought for the kids. Grandma bought them each sand trucks and tools to dig, shake, etc. with. They really got a kick out of it! The rest of the day was played outside....riding bikes, walking, and even getting a little squirt gun action going on....thanks grandma!! It was a lot of fun! Ate Hy-Vee pizza for dinner, then played around until bedtime.
On Monday, the kids slept in, while I got things ready to head home. Fred and Julie were both at work. Julie returned aroun 9:30, when we decided to go play at a near by park then go for lunch. We played for maybe an hour, before heading to Olive Garden for lunch!! Yummy!
We left Cedar Rapids around 2pm...the first time. Then, just around Iowa City/Riverside, I remembered that I left our medicines at the house. UGH!! What to do. Soooo, instead of buying more of it at home, we decided to turn around. Leaving CR (for the second time) around 3 ish. Well, along the way, Colin has decided to unbuckle his seat and gets out of his shoulder straps. Where do kids learn these things? So, between the re-route to CR and stopping to buckle up Colin, we decided to make a pit stop in B-ton for the night. I still had 4 hours to go at 4:30!! I was tired, the kids were getting stir crazy...you can only imagine. So the rest of the evening we hung out at my parents house. Kim and Peyton came out and we had DQ!!
Tuesday came and we had to head out. I had to work that night at 5. We made it home a little after 2. It was a great weekend! The kids are still worn out!

im so glad we got to see you...i was having such a horrible night monday and seeing you and the kids made it go away :)
love yas and miss yas!!!!
ps - i LOVE the pic of colin cheesing as well as tays :)
I'm thinking I'm going to have to eat those kids up! Smother them with kisses for me! Glad you had such a good time.
Finally got to read the up-dates. The pics are all so cute. Glad you had a good time and also that you got to come here!! That was the BEST!! Love to all, G-Ma XO XO
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