Most of my pictures turned out blurry, so here are some that actually turned out. It was a very nice shower! Chelsea made the cupcakes, chocolate covered Strawberries, and a delicious chocolate bundt cake. We also had cheesecakes, punch, and fresh fruit.

Decorations on the mantle. Jenny had brought home these votive holders and we stuck little gem stickers on the outsides of them...they looked to cute!

The set up! Looks yummy doesn't it?

One of the many gifts she received. We played 2 games: Purse Game...where all the guests tallied up points to see what items they had in their purses. The purse that won...Jenny's, with over 250 points. She loaned her purse to a guest since she didn't bring hers. Then we quizzed Kim on how well she knew Nate. This I have to say was funny. She was shocked on alot of the questions, but overall...she knows him! It was priceless to see her reaction to some of the answers! As a gift from us sisters (and sisters, I mean, Jen, Mandy, Chelsea and I) we had wrapped up a bottle of Kim and Nates favorite wine, a couple wine glasses and we ordered personalized Hershey Kisses that read on the tag: "Kim and Nate, May 2nd, 2009".
Her bow bouquet!
(sorry mandy, these were the only pictures I had of the four of us and you either had your eyes closed or looked like you were going to kill somebody!)

*****WARNING***** The following pictures are not suitable for children under the age of 18! Just's all in good humor!
Furry handcuffs!! oooh la la!
She actually wore the shirt too! How much money did you make Kim?
Just some of the yummy snacks we munched on.
Nice luminarias! This was a special craft Taylor helped me with! NOOOOO! I'm just kidding!

This was the infamous blow up guy that scared Mom everytime she looked at him. He doesn't seem to be scaring her now?????!!!! ( Don't be mad mom! You were having a great time and you know it!)
Thanks for the pics, Bec! Hope you all had as much fun as I did. I actually think the pic of Mom is a good one!
The write up is such a crack-up I was laughing so much I think tears ran down my legs!!! Ha Ha!! The pics turned out really well, thank heavens because I lost mine, thanks Joe! It really WAS a fun time. Hope you are feeling better, kisses to my kiddos, Love, G-MA XO XO
i wasnt really trying to smile in the pictures, im not gonna lie...haha..oh well
had fun!!!
in every picture of kim at the bachelorette...she has her mouth open the same way...except for when she's smiling uncontrollably in that one...haha
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