I'm reminiscing...Last Monday was Colin's 18 Month checkup in Burlington. He is 26 lbs. and 34 1/8 inches. He also received 2 shots...there was screaming, but as soon as I was able to pick him up, he was fine and even said, "
buh, bye" to the nurse. He was such a good boy and is doing very well! Eats, sleeps, poops, plays, talks, and all that good stuff! Ever since Taylor was a baby, I've loved the staff at Burlington PEDS. That is why I keep Colin's 'month' checkups in Burlington. We will see them again in August!

Look at how little Taylor looks! She was still a baby then too! I can't believe she'll be 4 in April!!

His Birth Announcement photo....it doesn't even look like him...he's bald!!

These were taken this past week. I love how his little toes curled on the bars on the horse!
it sure doesnt look like colin in his birth announcement...and he sure is getting big :)
also, i cant believe taylor will be 4 in about a month either!!! i hope to make it down...if its not my weekend for bookkeeping
Taylor looks like such a little tot! I was just looking for something in one of my photo albums and came across even younger pics of her - couldn't believe it. Colin has changed so much - incredible! I love how his, er, TOES, not TOYS :) curl around the horse too!
Thanks for the correction Jenny! I didn't even realize...obviously!
Colin is a little man now! He just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I also love the pic of his toes, Why are there only three toes on his one foot??? (Ha) Taylor is also growing and learning so much now. Won't be long and she'll be in real school..instead of mommy school. Ta ta, G-Ma XO XO
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