On Saturday, the store held a 'Kids In the Kitchen'. I took Taylor since she seemed to enjoy last months session. When we got there Cayln Krecklow was going too. Calyn and her sister Katie have been over to our house a couple times. Before starting, everyone got to peel some clementines and eat them. Today's recipes included a Taco soup with ground turkey, beans, corn, ranch mix, and tomatoes. The kids got to stand around Mindy, (the store's dietician) and help mix in the ingredients and stir. While that cooked, the kids then went to prepare some bread. Each kid got a piece of dough and shaped it to whatever they wanted. Taylor's was just a glob of dough. She wanted it to be a surprise. They brushed it with egg wash and put it in the toaster oven. Then they moved over to the fruit bowls. They each spooned out a half of an orange then poured in some yogurt, bananas, and granola. This was my favorite, as well as Colin's. After they ate a little of the fruit bowl. The breads were done. After that I'm not sure what was made. It was a mixture of macaroni noodles, buttermilk, and some other stuff. I was in and out of the room, chasing Colin and holding new born baby Kennedy, while Mommy went to mix a bottle. I know Taylor had a great time. She has such a great time helping out with things, stirring, mixing, etc. We will definitely be there next time! (They even got to wear the cute little aprons.)

Everyone got a chance to shake up the buttermilk for the mac n cheese casserole Mindy was prepping.

Our delicious orange bowl with strawberry yogurt and bananas...minus granola. Colin liked the yogurt.

Yummy bread. I think she didn't put garlic on hers, but she enjoyed it anyway.

Cutting up bananas for our fruit bowls.

Brushing their dough with egg wash.

Making garlic bread

"No mommy, I didn't touch that lamp."

Taylor opened the taco seasoning to add in.

Watching Mindy add ingredients to the taco soup.

Calyn peeling her clementine.

Peeling a Clementine....yummy! However, Colin and I enjoyed them!! I think both girls liked doing this.
that looks like a lot of fun tay and looks like you enjoyed it :)
colin looked so innocent in that pic..hehe
miss yas and talk to ya soon
I love this idea of the kids in the kitchen, how fun. I for one love Taco soup, yummmm! Taylor you look so cute in that apron, I hope you have fun going to more of these classes.I hope you liked all the food. Colin looke dso cute and innocent! HA! Love yas and miss yas, G-Ma XO XO
Taylor you're becoming a regular Julia Child! You look like you had so much fun. I'm glad to see you're trying the food, too. What a good girl! The pic of Colin on the seat is too adorable. He looks totally guilty of something
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