Pretty scary huh?!!

They blocked off the left 2 lanes of the lot and you just walk your way from vendor to vendor and they hand out treats...some Dasani, Pepsi, little cereal boxes, packages of crackers, pencils, candy, etc. The line started on the right side and you ended up at the top left side, with free hotdogs. Taylor ate 3-4 and Colin ate 4 hotdogs....I do feed them tooo! I'm not sure what the number of people were, Tim thinks close to 2500. Which is awesome! Taylor did an awesome job and saying "trick or treat" and the way she said it was so cute! I had a great time!

Free hot dog station to all kiddos!

Pillsbury dough boy was even there! Taylor wasn't sure about this one!

Isn't he the most handsome pirate you've ever seen?

Making our way to the maze. It had actually cooled off quite a bit, so Taylor wore her coat the whole time.

Tim came home for lunch yesterday. I knew when to expect him, but when the doorbell rang, I opened the door to this. I had no idea what his costume look like. So, no it didn't scare me to the point of screaming, but I was just glad Taylor wasn't with me when we opened the door! He was hoping Colin would be awake so he could scare him. However, neither of the kids were scared of the mask. Which really surprised me!
That looks like so much fun! They need to do that here :) Taylor did an excellent job painting the pumpkin! And as always, the kids are super cute!
Wow! I love the Hy-Vee idea thing. That looks like it was so much fun. Once again, your pumpkin is totally awesome. And Tim's costume is creepy looking! I totally didn't recognize him.
What neat pumpkins! Taylor did a good job helping. The trick or Treating looked really fun, What a hugh crowd!! wish we had that here.Tim's costume looked creepy!! Or maybe that's just normal for him!!?? Talk later, Love to all, G-Ma XO XO
the other pumpkin looks awesome...you did a good job beckah!!!
man, tim doesnt need to dress up in order to be scary, hehe
sounds like the kids had a blast!!
cant wait to see yas soon!!!
Well, by the time I got to see and read all this, everyone had made comments, so everyone pretty much said what I would say. Of course Taylor looked very pretty and Colin looked so cute and relaxed in the stroller. I love them both. I really didn't recognize Tim in the first picture with Colin. Pretty good costume Tim.
Hope to see ya's soon.
Love, Dad/Papa
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