Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!

I almost forgot to post this....I decided to put the XMAS stuff up the week before Thanksgiving. I thought what a nice surprise for Tim, when he gets home from Des Moines. Christmas seems to come and go so fast, I wanted to enjoy it this year! Taylor was very excited to help. Colin wasn't sure what to think when he got up from his nap. He would rather play with the ornaments, then hang them. This year, we also have an actual mantle to hang the stockings on.

Taylor with the top half of the tree


Anonymous said...

It looks so pretty and festive! I want to put my stuff up now!

Anonymous said...

the tree looks gorrrrrgeoussssssssssssssss...tee hee :)

im sure taylor was just loving the tree being up and i hope she enjoyed the pictures of OUR christmas tree :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, the pics are just beautiful!! I love any pic with thee kids in it of course. Glad Taylor had so much fun wiith it this year. Later, G-MA XO XO