So after the closet incident with Taylor, (see next post), I started to feel overwhelmed with all the 'baby' stuff we still have. So I've decided to let go of somethings. For instance, the baby car seat. There is a huge consignment shop in Camdenton, so I figured what the heck. I'll give it a whirl. I really wanted to have some sort of garage sale, but without a garage, let alone a driveway, wasn't possible. I'd rather see this stuff sell, to someone who needs it and can't afford the brand new ones. Anywho, Taylor got a kick out of buckling herself in it. It was even more fun when I picked her up in it and started to spin her around. Man, she is heavy! I'm glad I'm done using it! Yes, don't be sad...no more little Cernin's for us. :(

haha, colin in taylor's dorothy slippers...too funny
in one pic it looks like they actually fit him...haha
i hope he grows out of this stage, putting on girl shoes first...hehe
and taylor in the baby seat...too too funny...she looks ginormous in it!!
see ya's next weekend!!! :)
Love the shoes on Colin, Too funny!! And Taylor in the seat, well, it's hard to believe she actually fit in it one time. Hope you can sell the stuff, I know storage is kinda short. See ya this weekend!! WooHoo!!! Love, G-Ma Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000
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