Mom and Mandy came down last Wednesday and stayed thru Sunday. Thursday, Tim and I went to Kansas City for the Service Awards Banquet. We left town at 12:00 and didn't get home until 1:15am. It was a long drive. We drove a 15 passenger van to Jeff City, then shared a Charter bus with them and Columbia. It was a great dinner and was nice to have an 'adult' night out! Tim had 4 employees (that went to KC) recieve awards that night. While we were away, Mom and Mandy just played and wore the kids out. On Friday, we went to the park in Camdenton. After the park, Mandy and I (more Mandy than I) did a little 'retail therapy' at Polo and Target, while Colin napped and Taylor entertained G-ma! Saturday, we went to the High Schools running track and let the kids run. Tim took the kids one Sunday afternoon and they loved it. Taylor and G-ma ran/walked the whole track, while Colin played with bottle caps, water, and sand. Taylor loved running and then jumping into the sand, as did G-ma. Mom, I know you told me not to post any of the pictures of you jumping, but you may have a future in the Long Jump! She got some air in some of the jumps! After running, we met up with Tim at the store and ate lunch. I had to work that night, so G-ma and Mandy took the kids to Miner Mike's for some games. Sunday we went to church, lunch at Pizza Hut, then more games at Miner Mike's. Mom and Mandy left shortly after that. It was a fun weekend, and the kids were exhausted. Taylor fell asleep before 8:15 that night...which is early for her...she was beat! Thanks again for coming down for the weekend! We had fun!

haha....nice pix!!! the one of mom jumping in the air is hilarious...cracks me up!!!
oh and nice one of me, gee thanx :)
and thanx for letting us come was so much fun!!!
hope you can come up soon
I guess I should know better than to tell ya NOT to put my pics up!! Oh well, we had lots of fun. I miss all of you so much--Thanks for letting us stay!! Come up soon!!! LOve, G=Ma XO XO
Looks like everyone had a great time! Not a bad jump at all Mommy!
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