Thursday, October 30, 2008

More Burlington

I know what you're all thinking....can she take anymore pictures? So tough! Well, our trip to B-ton was fun as usual. I made it back in record time..4 usually takes 4.5 or 5 hours! (Both kids took late naps in the car!! whoo hoo! That helped!) We went to church then I went to an OctoberFest with Kim and Nate. It was a good time, as usual. This was the annual May's (Mike & Jeff May) Party. It is always a good time! Karaoke, bonfire, hotdogs, hayrack ride, and a couple cold ones!!!! On Sunday, not much of anything except ND'S FunFest. The kids enjoyed the inflatable jumping house...who wouldn't?! They played a few games and got some prizes. Then to G-ma/Papa's house. We just chilled and played. On Monday, Gavin and Jayden came out, as they always do, then Kim and Peyton! I took Jayden and Taylor out after Lunch, since it finally warmed up a bit. They had a blast! Throwing leaves at each other and then on Papa in the garage! (That killed off some energy!) Mom made a Pot Roast (yummmy!!!!) for dinner and then we made it a family affair and went to Target. (Doesn't that sound like the Brady's dressing in their Sunday best to go to Sears?!! HA!) Mandy needed a few things, so I said I wanted to get Taylor some new jammies, since the ones I brought from home were 2T's, she wears 4T! Oops! On Tuesday, we headed home after Mom's lunch hour from school. It seemed like the longest 5 hours ever! Colin fussed from Mexico, MO (which is 2 hours away) all the way to Osage! Oh well, what can you do. Ok, enough, blah, blah, blah...we had a great time and can't wait to visit everyone next time!!!!

Dad and I built Jayden and Taylor a fort one morning. They were excited to see it. They had to hide in the other room, then dad walked them back with their eyes closed! It was too cute!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time coming home, As usual we really enjoyed you being here!! The pics are so cute. I'll have to get some pics of the kids in the leaves! I really like the Halloween background, It's neat! Take care, Love, G-Ma XO XO

Anonymous said...

love the pictures and hated that i didnt really get to see you all!!

and i also hated that i started getting sick, which now i think im losing my voice :(

anyway, what i saw of ya's i had fun!!!

the fort looked like fun, i didnt know you built one for them!!! the one picture of the fort before they saw it, the cushions on the left top side of the picture looked like a chimney, i had to do a double take, HA!!!

hope to see yas again soon, if not before thanksgiving!!!

Anonymous said...

How can we get tired of seeing the kiddos??? Love the story about going to Target - what a riot! Hugs and kisses to my kiddies!