Well, Tim's birthday was yesterday. We kind of made plans for the afternoon, but what we didn't plan was a trip to the Emergency room. No it was nothing too serious and everyone is fine. I had closed our bedroom door behind me as I was going to iron a shirt, Tim was in the other bathroom, Taylor opened and closed the bedroom door, and low and behold, Colin's finger got smashed. I'm not sure if he pulled his finger out of the door, but his skin was pulled back and his poor little finger was quite smashed. We were sure he'd be fine, but nothing would calm him down. We went to the ER, they took xrays and found that it wasn't broken, but was going to be a little sore. They bandaged him up and away we went. We decided not to go putt putt or to the football game, which is what we were going to do. Thus, we went to Chili's for dinner! When we got home, Taylor wanted to put candles in the apple pie I made for Tim, (thanks Holly!) and blow the candles out with him! I think (hope) he had a great day! He has actually been off work since Thursday! We love having him home with us!!

The kids sitting so nicely (a rare find) in Tim's chair!
im sure glad his finger is ok...poor guy
and i hope tim had a good bday
and i forgot to tell mom about it, so she just read it on here...hehe
cant wait to see yas in a couple weeks!!!
oh also...i love taylor's face in the last picture...it just cracks me up!!!! what a goob :)
Awww, poor Colin! Hugs and kisses to him!
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