Colin's First Birthday went very well. My parents and Tim's parents, and Mandy drove down for the party. Josh and Chelsea and family were heading home from Kansas City and stopped by as well. Colin of course had no idea what was going on. Taylor eventually took over and opened all of his presents for him. We had a lot of fun. He received clothes, savings bonds, bath toys, a John Deere book, Tonka dump truck, and MegaBlocks that sissy Taylor picked out for him. So far, from Aunt Jenny, she has given each niece/nephew One Share of Stock from a company for their first Birthday. Colin received one share in DreamWorks Animation. Taylor has one share in Disney and Jayden had gotten Pepsi. Colin didn't dive into the cupcakes like I thought he would. The loved the cake itself, but not sure about the frosting. We ended the fun day with a round of mini golf at Pirate's Cove. I'll post more pictures of the whole weekend when I get a chance. I'll stop for now here. Thanks to everyone for driving down here to celebrate! Thanks for the gifts and cards as well! It meant alot to us to have you all here!

We had cupcakes, yummy. I also ordered some personalized M&M's. I was able to choose 3 colors and have a picture printed on them. That is the best picture I could get of them...however, they taste just as good as they look! (Jenny you get some too when you come home!)
The birthday boy eating his 'birthday breakfast' toast!!! He loves bread!
Geez you have cute kids! I can't beleive Colin is a year old already. I've never even seen him........that's sad! Looks like you had a fun party. Hope all is well with you guys!
Love ya!
Great pictures and we had a great time. We sure do miss them already. Love to all, Grandpa
We really enjoyed being at the party for our fav grandson from Osage!! We love all of you and can't wait till the next time we see you. XO XO G-Ma
thanx for letting me come visit you taylor and colin!!
that last picture of colin eating toast is just adorable :)
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