Just some pictures from Friday morning. Kim and Peyton, Chelsea and the boys came out to play before we left town. Mom got the little pool and sprinkler out for the kids to play in. As always, it was fun to watch all 5 kids playing together and having fun!
Peyton, don't smile!
Kim then took the hose off the sprinkler and started spraying it down the slide. This was a hit!

Muscle Man Jayden! He's not camera shy at all!

Peyton (red shirt), Gavin, and Colin.

All 5 kids!

Taylor had fun playing with the little ones!

That is it! It was a great week of memories and family fun! On Saturday we chilled around the house and went swimming at the condo pool. On Father's Day, I made lunch for us, then I had to work at 2. (I thought I'd asked off for it.) Tim took the kids to the store with him to work on inventory stuff.
That night, Colin passed out on Tim's lap.