What have we been up to? Well, for one thing, I just wish Mother Nature would make up her mind! A couple weeks ago, we had 70-80 degree weather, then by the weekend, 6 inches of snow. This past weekend we were woken up by tornado sirens. Can it get any more confusing?! So when the weather is actually beautiful out, we take full advantage of it. Other than that, things are going good here. Tim is keeping busy as ever at the store. Another reason we want the weather to change....more business!!! My hours have picked up since the Mall has changed the hours back to regular hours. So I'm working 5 days a week (all nights). Which doesn't bother me at all. We've also got a lot of things going on in the next few months: Kim's bridal shower/bacherlorette party (which I am totally stoked about!!!!!!!!), Taylor's 4th B-day, Spring Fling, Kim and Nate's wedding in May, and setting up for the Triatholon in June. Last Thursday, Taylor and I had dress fitting in Columbia. Mom and Dad drove down and met us there! Nice surprise for the kids. We ate at yummy Olive Garden...Taylor picked! "I Love the breadsticks!" Then Tim and I along with the kids ate at El Jimador to celebrate my b-day early, since I had to work. It was a nice dinner, until I spilled my margarita all over Taylor. All I thought was 'alcohol abuse'! Ha! She was not a happy camper! So just a little info into our lives! Hope all is well with everyone!!

Playing outside on one of the beautiful days!

Colin's "not happy" face. I can't remember what he was whining about, but it was too funny not to capture.

Now, Mr. Calm and collected. He climbed up there and just looked to darn cute.

Nice Taylor, very nice!

And of course, we don't go a night, without dressing up in the hats and shoes.

On my birthday, I took the kids and ate lunch with Tim at the store. As I sat down, one of the floral girls brought over this cake. They sang Happy Birthday and embarrassed me! This is a flower cake. Not a real cake, but the seafoam stuff and flowers put into it to look like a cake. I thought how creative for him to think of stuff like this. I think he had some input from the flower girls too. (maybe not?) But what a cool surprise!!!! When we got home with it, Taylor wanted me to light them, so she could blow them out!