We started reading to Taylor the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" last week. Now, she is reading it to us and Colin. Unfortunately, it was cut off by 'low battery'. But you get the idea! I wish I could have gotten her reading the whole story, because she says it so cute and is so proud that she reads it! She does so good at reading, or at least memorizing what we've read! I'm getting a little carried away with these video blogs...sorry!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Colin & his Tractor
Colin is able to climb up on the John Deere tractor and ride it. However, he only pushes himself backwards! Him waving reminds me of myself when I was little and waved to my dad on those little rides at Adventureland. (Yes and I hate listening to myself!)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Dickerson Park Zoo
We went to Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield on Wednesday afternoon. Tim took some vacation this week and we were able to do some Family stuff together! We were really impressed with it. Was very clean, child friendly, and big. We got to feed the Giraffes, which I thought was the best. They are an amazing animal. There were kids there at different exhibits explaining different things..for instance at the Elephant exhibit, some kids had some Elephant skin so we could feel it, Warthog's skin, and the hissing cockroach. Which no one wanted to touch. While in the stroller, Taylor kept holding Colin's hand (see picture). It was so cute. They just sat so good, holding hands. It was nice to actually do something together...as a family!

The funny things kids say...part II
I wasn't going to blog this, but it was too funny not to. Mom and dad came down last Saturday thru Wednesday. Mom and I were playing a board game on Sunday with Taylor sitting between us. We got caught in watching the US Open and Taylor was wanting our attention on the board game. She was pinching my upper arm and I heard her say, "Hey". Then she did it again, saying, "Hey, chubby"!!!!! Oh my gosh! I may not be the skinniest in the world, but I know personally I'm not chubby!!! Does my daughter think I am? Immediately though, we turned and asked her what she said...in fact, we heard what she said, just couldn't believe it! Tim and I don't know if she'd heard the word before, where she picked it up from, or if she knew what it meant. But we were all in tears. I thought this was too funny not to share! Just goes to show you that kids say the darnedest things!
Father's Day Walk
Tim and Taylor took a walk down by the pool on Father's Day. She loves going to walks with Tim. Isn't it cute?

Welcome to our new home! I'm going to give Blogger a shot and maybe this will work nicer and be easier to play around with. Be sure to add our website to your favorites!!
Miner Mike's

Tim and I helped in Des Moines to prep for the Triathlon on Monday and Tuesday. When we got back to Osage, we went to Miner Mike's for a little bit. Had I known this place was so much fun, I would have taken Taylor a long time ago. This is a much nicer, brighter version of Fun City. Don't get me wrong, Fun city is nice, but this place is clean, you can see infront of you and wasn't crowded. Taylor played her favorite 'skee ball', rode on a train coaster, and got some cool toys. We had fun
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